We Are Going On A Bear Hunt and We're Not Scared!

Kia ora amazing Class 4,

I hope you all had a happy Easter and that the Essential Easter Bunny managed to reach you.

Before I launch into today's task, here are some great pics which I found in my inbox today. I tell you, seeing some of you made me more happy than finding chocolate eggs!

Emilia and her sister really love the painting

Maia has a new bench buddy
Measurement lessons in action with delicious results- maths is so much fun!

Baxter not only worked his way to a chocolate fish- he thought the neighbours would enjoy it too so he drew another one on the concrete outside.
...and this is sitting on the MacArthur's mantel piece. I bet this will fill Jacinda's bucket. It sure made me happy!

Love seeing pictures of you and seeing some of you on zoom, keep them coming!

Let's start the next task. I cannot help but smile when I see all these bears on my walks. You all know the book right? It is one of the few books in our house which we have both in English and in Dutch. Both Mackenzie and Tama can still recite the whole story in Dutch, although neither of them speaks much of the language (my fault completely, you know how the electrician always has loose cables at their home? Well, the teacher doesn't teach her own children)

I am wondering- we have so many bi-lingual children amongst us- Pavel, do you have this in Russian? Nimai, is it translated into Hindi? Jola, do you have a French copy? Emilia and Nela, do you know it in German? It is also translated into Te Reo Maori, does anyone have a copy? Bring it to school please once we are back.

Anyway, I am going down a rabbit hole instead of on a bear hunt. I love the creativity some people have put into their bear displays. This is probably my favourite so far:

Escaping Teddies

 I find bears in trees, on letterboxes, in cars parked on driveways, in tiny toilet windows and there are whole bear parties going on behind some large windows. I also saw a gigantic toy giraffe in a window, with a teddy sliding down the neck. (Thought it would be a tad too rude to walk into their front yard and take a photo of that one)

Some of the sizes are also very impressive: this bear is taller than I am- I didn't know they existed.

This is obviously an Essential Working Bear- all in fluoro and pretty exhausted by the looks.

Yesterday, all the Easter Eggs were added to that. Some people got a bit grumpy because they were in lockdown at Easter and couldn't celebrate they way they liked to. I disagree, I thought it was an EPIC Easter with more community spirit than ever.

Here's your journal task: explain to the reader (and remember, someone might read this years later, they have no idea what's going on) why teddy bears are taking over the country in the time of lock down. Tell a little bit about your own experience: do you see many on your walks? What actions are those bears involved in, like climbing out of the bedroom using a bed sheet? Does your house have teddy bears, where, and what are they doing? Are there any other fun things to find in your neighbourhood which people put out especially for you to find, like easter eggs?

Draw your own bear with it- they deserve a place. Life would be so much sadder without them.

See y'all tomorrow, arohanui.


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