Love From

Today's first task is a delicious Form Drawing

I so love it how this teacher first draws the invisible lines with her magic marker- just like me. Hopefully this shows you that I am telling you the truth that it really helps to get a good feel for the form before you put your crayon to the paper.

Take your time for this one my dear Class 4, enjoy the process and make it a glorious piece of work. Use any colour that you like, crayon or oil pastels give the best results, but use whatever you have at hand.

I wish you could read Dutch

You would be able to see why I feel so happy. The letter here is written by an old colleague from my father. He had heard that my Dad had died and wrote a beautiful letter to my sister Yvonne and me.

First he described how he knew my Dad; they had been working together for many many year (I'm talking 40 plus years- that's longer than many of your parents are old) and after my Dad retired, they saw each other at least once a year at the annual Christmas lunch.

Next, he tells us what he really appreciated about my Dad. He loved his good natured character, his enthusiasm for many things such as horse riding and classical music. He tells little stories about how my Dad had often classical music wafting through the office and he would be humming along. He also invited colleagues to visit his horse and gave them a ride.

Not everyone enjoyed that. It was a big horse.

Then he says how my Dad was such a good man to work with, his loyalty, his attitude of doing a job well, the way he mentored new people in the office and his friendly manner to all around him.

Anyway, the letter finished with saying what a good memories he has and wishing us all the best.

Total bucket filler that letter.

It made me think that it would be a shame to wait until someone dies before you tell them what you enjoy about them.

So here's today's writing task: Who do you really miss from our class? Jot down at least three things you enjoy about them. It doesn't need to be huge, in fact, it is often the small daily things which makes you trust a person. It could be the way you smile, your lovely ideas, the way you help me with, you make me laugh, you stand up for me, I enjoy hanging out with you before school.

Write a draft, have an adult or an older sibling help you with the proof reading. Now write it out nicely, maybe decorate it a bit.

I know that my letter was typed, but Jan Slof, who wrote the letter is well in his eighties and he has a very wobbly hand. When you are in your eighties, you can type your letter, but for now just use your lovely personal handwriting.

children's handwriting | Patricia Lovett MBE
Have you noticed how handwriting is so personal? Very different from a typed letter.

Find an envelope, buy a stamp, write your friend's name and addres beautifully on the envelope and send it off. There, you have just made someone else very happy- how good feels that?

Handwritten Envelopes - Banner Style | Calligraphy envelope, Lettering
Put some love in writing that envelope

Speaking about feeling good:

Look who's here!

James and I are back at school, with a very small group of children. We call our Bubble "Gum". It's very different than usual, but we are getting slowly used to it. I was super happy to see James back and it makes me looking forward seeing the whole of Class 4 back- hopefully in the not too distant future. James wrote a great letter today, tomorrow we are going to do the good copy.

I also got a really nice email from Sari- look what's she's been up too:

Meanwhile, my socks are going very slowly. This is mainly because the weather is so absolutely gorgeous, I don't want to be inside. At this rate, I will not be able to wear them on our first day back, but hey, I'm having fun while I'm doing it which is what really counts.

Keep well my dear Class Four'ers

Love from


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