Celebrations, Form Drawing Challenge and a Chocolate Fish

Hey my gorgeous Class 4,

It's quite a fabulous day for me today. You'll remember how I was away in the Netherlands before school closed. I was lucky enough to scrape back into New Zealand on one of the last days of international flights. I was hugely relived to be home and not stuck somewhere in the world, away from my family. It also meant that I had to be in my own isolation bubble within our family bubble.

Luckily our house is quite spacious. I was given the lounge, our bedroom and the main bathroom while the others stayed in the living room, their own rooms and our upstairs bathroom. If I wanted a cup of tea, I had to wait until everybody was out of sight.I ate in the other room and we couldn't have our usual family movie nights. It was absolutely weird.

Today my 14 days of isolation is over, so I got my welcome home hugs, we can sit together sipping a coffee, tonight I'll be joining at the dinner table and Friday will be the usual Pizza and Movie night. I am so excited!!!!

To celebrate, I have a challenge for you today and I'll be handing out chocolate fish just because I am in such a celebration mood.. Remember all that skateboarding and going through the green light and stopping for the red we did in Class?

Well, here's a talented teacher who is going to take you to the next level.


Follow the steps and make a glorious Form Drawing. I'll have chocolate Fish (vegetarian option available) for those of you who can show me your work once we get back.

Giant Chocolate Fish - The Garden Party

We're halfway today Class 4. At times I thought I will never get a hug ever again, but everything passes. We are not too far until we can see each other again, I can't wait.


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