Dance as if No-one is Watching You

Quote: Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. It's ...

Morena My Beautiful Class 4!

One of the parts that I found hardest when the lock down started was not being able to go to my yoga studio. Luckily my teachers there were innovative and started classes online. The first classes I thought, I really don't like this, it's not like the real thing. This morning I rolled my mat out in front of my french doors which look out over one of the nicest parts of my garden. I joined my yoga class in my pyjamas, didn't worry a single bit what my hair looked like and when I groaned and snorted in the challenging parts, I didn't have to worry about what others might think of that. I totally enjoyed my class, feeling stretched and vibrant and ready for whatever this day might bring.

I am starting to think yoga from home every morning might be better than my studio classes.

Look who is here to help you with your start of the day. When Simone heard about our blog, she made some videos for you to enjoy and work on at home. Try to do it like my morning yoga- in a nice spot in your house, your choice of clothing and don't worry about your hair being brushed or tied up. If you do it every day for a week, you really get into the flow and rhythm. Eurythmy like no-one is watching you!

Look what Manu made after last week's Special Guest Janice- I totally love this.

Lots of other cool activities happening in the Cassel's household

Jola is with her family at their land in Timaru. Their bubble sounds very beautiful, I so hope to get there one day- on my motorcycle (did you notice that the weather has been absolutely stunning for motorcycling and for the first time ever I have plenty of time- and the bike is in lockdown  😢😢😢) They made a schedule together, did lots of nature based learning activities, Jola wrote a diamante poem about the river running through their land and she mapped their slice of paradise.

We will be working on maps later this week- stay tuned.

Lucas and his family are in their Castle Hill House- I bet Lucas is getting a lot of bike rides. Jealous!!!

Your journal task of today is looking back and looking forward. On one page, write a list of all the things you really have enjoyed during this lock down. On the opposite page, write what you are looking forward to when we move into Level 3. I reckon Level 3 is going to be a strange one- we won't be in lock down anymore, but we won't be stepping back into our lives as we were used to either. Transitions are often the hardest parts of life. so make some fun plans to make the best of it.

 Mine looks like this- but I left a lot of room to add things later.

Wishing you all a good time in this gorgeous autumn weather.


  1. Thanks Angela, lots to be thankful for & lots to look forward to ; ) We couldn't open Simone's video...maybe could you attach again or email? It seems to just be a photo at the moment xxoo

  2. we couldn't open the video either XOXO

    1. Thanks for the feedback- Simone actually made two more videos which I didn't manage to add. I'll find another way to send them to you all.


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