Your Home Is Your Castle

On Friday night it is always Pizza and Movie night in our house, lockdown or no lockdown. We all get our turn to choose a movie and the rules are a bit like making dinner: you can choose whatever you like as long as it is not gory. And we have to respect what is chosen. If you argue you miss out on pizza, so most of our Friday nights are the most harmonious and happy moments in our house.

In our whanau, we all have very different taste in movies. When Zoe choses there is always a horse in the feature role. Mackenzie goes for the Real-Life-Struggles-But-Happy-Ending sort of thing, mine often have a historical connection and David likes art house stuff. You know, the kind of movie with very long slow shots, not much dialogue and there's no sound track to help you to know what to feel. I must admit that I often nod off a bit when David choses a movie, or I am wildly surprised and I totally love it and think about it for days.

That's the good thing about having to pay respect to other people's choices: you watch something which you wouldn't necessarily choose yourself and then you discover something really interesting.

Last Friday it was Tama's turn. Tama's nights are often action packed and involve a super hero rescuing the world from alien invasion, but he also adores anything anime. Last week he chose Howl's Moving Castle

Howl's Moving Castle (Anime) - TV Tropes

I totally loved it. The castle is so imaginative with all the nooks and crannies and the way it moves and all the bits and pieces become like one big creature. Fabulous.

I was still thinking how absolutely awesome it would be to live in a house like that, I wouldn't be even worried if it could move or not, just all these different rooms and colours and everything is different but somehow it really works.

Can you feel your task slowly coming?

I started to look around about, dreaming about what sort of house I would build and then I discovered there are a LOT of people who dream just like me.

her white sunrise: child's play.

September 30, 2013 5:18 AM | julianjaramillo | VSCO Grid

Yep- you got the picture now: today's task is building your own castle. It doesn't have to move and please don't make it as big as the last image. The task is about originality, about beauty, about lovely funny details such as the washing line or a great chimney. Think amazingness instead of large. Also think about going up, which takes a bit more engineering than going wide.

Width might also be a bit of a problem if you take your Team into account. We are crammed enough as it is in this isolation business, so please first ask them what a good place would be and what would be considered a reasonable space for your castle.

Before you start, you will need to collect lots of card board. I don't think you'll have to spend a lot of time planning your castle, just go for what you feel. Glue and cut and staple and tie and add on pieces which you find and think would add to your house. Roof gardens? Sky dive possibility? Bee hives? go for it.

You don't have to complete it all today, in fact, it would be much more fun to take all week to see this house coming together.

Your house will look so much better and your Team will be SO much happier if you tidy up between building sessions!

Send me photos at the end of the week and I'll publish them next week in this blog. It's so cool to see each other's work.

For your writing part, write about your movies. If you were to come into my whanau movie nights, what can we expect? Are they action packed or do they have lots of animals in them? Are they sad or happy? Do you like the costumes, hair and make-up or are the stunts more important? Do you avoid blood as much as you can? Do you like magic and fantasy or do you like to get on with the real life stuff? Make your writing interesting, so I want to come and watch your movies.

News From Around The Region

Sari making on of her home skin care products- love the calendar in the back ground

Definitely the coolest lock down activity in town!

Lucky birds

Happy building Class 4, I miss you all SO MUCH. Kia kaha 💜


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