Get Ready For Real

This will be my last post for this blog. I have very mixed feelings about that, because I am ecstatic to see you all for Real next week, but I have really enjoyed making the blog, thinking of topics, finding videos and images and best of all, providing the Peeks into Bubbles with you. It's going to be sad to let go of that.

I'm quite sure next Monday will be full of mixed feelings too. It will be fantastic to see your classmates and your teachers again and to get on with things. At the same time, you've been living in a bubble of just your family for nearly two months- suddenly you'll be surrounded by more people in one room than you have seen in all those weeks together. That's bound to take quite a bit of adjustments, and adjustments are not always easy. No doubt you can do it, you've done it before, but be kind to yourself and to your classmates and your teacher, give each other some space and kindness.

Daily Wellbeing | All Right?

Being well organised takes SO MUCH stress out of situations. So today's post is going to be super practical, because before you are rolling up at the Class 4 door, there are a couple of things to be done. Time for a Stationery Organization. 

austin :: juniper treehouse waldorf store | Waldorf, Waldorf ...

Start with finding your 'Chubby Cubby", and give it a good clean.

Collect all your pencils and pack them in your pencil roll. Make sure they are sharpened and that they have your name on them. We won't be able to lend or borrow pencils from each other for awhile, so make sure you come with a good set of tools. Add them to your Chubby Cubby. Have you got your pencil sharpener? Your eraser? If you have accidentally someone else's pencils, bring them to school too in a separate bag or pencil case. We'll disinfect them and return them to their rightful owners.

Lyra Waldorf Triangular Pencils - Monkey Kids
Find your Dragon Maths book. Did you do any pages which are not finished yet? Now is good time to complete them. If you have questions about certain parts, put a sticky note on that page so we can have a look at it next week. Add it to your Chubby Cubby.

 NZMC Dragon Maths 3 Year 5 9781877567056 | OfficeMax NZ

Find your Smart Words spelling booklet. If you can, complete it. If you have completed it, you can move on to the next level, but I'll need to see it first. Add it to your Chubby Cubby.


Did you take your Main Lesson Book home? Did you complete all the work Roger set you? Check if you finished it to a high standard and add it to your Chubby Cubby, ready for the next Main Lesson.

Waldorf ~ 4th grade ~ Local Geography ~ Mapping ~ main lesson book ...

Monday is Music day- get your instrument ready. If you haven't practiced much, make sure you do it now. Orchestra will be so much more fun if your fingers know what to do.

Do not add your instrument to your Chubby Cubby.

Considering Buying a Violin or Cello? What to look for, and common ...

(By the way- there are two bows in our classroom and they are not mine.)

Collect all your library books and put them in a bag. We won't be able to go to the library just yet, but I will collect them all in the class room and Tim will take them to Julie in the library.
Top 10 Books Every College Student Should Read - eLearning Industry

If you know the book you would like to read, write it down on a piece of paper with your name on it. You can hand in your request to me and Julie will deliver it to our class room door. Click and collect Steiner Style.

Julie wil sterilise all books that come in, so it might be a wee bit of waiting before you get new books out. Everyone is doing the best they can.

Complete your journal. You don't have to do every activity that was mentioned in all the posts on this blog, but make sure you complete the ones you started. Unfinished work doesn't feel good and drains a lot of energy. If you are happy to bring your journal to school, I would LOVE to see it. If your journal is more of a personal journal which you prefer to keep private, absolutely fine too.

And yes- I do remember the chocolate fish for the completed form drawing 😋

Did your hat come home? Give it a wash, re-do your name with a marker (or embroidery it on there) and bring it back to school on Monday. I will collect them all and store them, so we will be ready for Term 4.

Complete your handwork and bring it to school on Tuesday.

When all is done, all that is left to do is to kick back. Make something yummy to eat, have a nice cuppa and reflect with your Team about this time we've had. What did you really enjoy and are going to keep doing in Level 2? What do you hope will never happen again? What did you learn? What discoveries did you make? What are you most looking forward to? What are you a bit worried about? How could you have little bouncy castles for difficult moments? Tell your team and listen to their experiences. You've all been heroes.

I am leaving you here Class 4. I will be opening the Class 4 door on Monday at 8.40 am for you and I am so looking forward seeing you all again. We won't be able to hug each other, but seeing you for real will be the rose of Level 2.



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