Eat Your Form Drawing

Tena koutou katoa Class 4 whanau, isn't it beautiful to hear and see and smell the rain? So cleansing and refreshing. For those of you who made the weather station, how many litres of rain did fall?

Today's tasks, practical and writing (which, by the way is also something practical) is all about knots. First you are going to make knots with your hands and in your writing you will be unraveling knots. Different knots.

For tying knots, you will first need to make bread dough. Use your own recipe or you can use mine below. Roll you dough into sausages like we did at school for the Harvest Festival and make 'knotted buns' like this.

Best how to braid bread ideas #howto #bread
Form Drawing which you can eat!
I actually recommend you give a little but more space between the sausages, the dough rises better that way. Glaze them with egg yolk, bake them and surprise your Team with these gorgeous knots. Best eaten warm from the oven with butter. Bon appetit!

Here's my bread recipe, every family has their own favourite one. I do the medium loaf, which is why it is highlighted and I use a bread machine, but it works just as well by hand, try it.

If you can't make bread, use your fimo or play dough or clay or anything else which you can sculpt and form.

In your journal, you are going to untie some knots. Inner knots this time. Why do I want you to do that? Glad you asked.

Writing is a really good way to make sense of our thoughts. Thoughts often jumble around in a chaotic way in your mind. That's okay, life would be rather dull if we would think in bullet points. Thinking and feeling is more like a painting or a dynamic sculpture or that Castle House which you saw yesterday. One thing sparks of another and exciting things can happen.

That's on a good day. There are also many moments in your life where all these amazing bouncy ideas tie up in a knot. I am talking a terrible snarled up messed up ball of wool which you cannot seem to untangle.

Sometimes my hair looks exactly like tangled thoughts!

My daughter's hair after she thought it would be funny to put ...

And you know what the worst part of tangled thoughts are? You can't see the beautiful, lovely and good vibe thoughts anymore, all you see are the negative ones.

And after awhile, we start to believe those. And we forget the good thoughts. Which doesn't make you feel very good about yourself.

We all do this in different times of our lives. In a time where nothing is similar to what you're used to and the things which give your life colour such as meeting friends and birthdays and play grounds and going to Flip Out or riding a motorcycle are unavailable, it is a good idea to untangle some thought.

So here's the plan: I have given you a list of things to remember about yourself. I want you to copy the list in your journal and answer every question. You might have to think a bit about some questions, don't straight away say: I can't, or I suck at this or I am so bad at that. Ponder on it for a few days and once you have found it write it down. It's a process to untangle your thoughts and feelings, not a race to the fastest answers.

I did this myself and the most interesting answers came later on. Keep it small, for example the question about success is not about being a famous pop star but something small you have achieved which was a success for you. For example: I never knew how to poach eggs and this year I decided to master the skill. That's success for me. And there's no right or wrong answer!

(Extension possibility: write the questions in your very best cursive writing for a challenge)

Here we go:

A movement or sport I do well:
The book I have recently read and enjoyed:
A movie I have recently seen and enjoyed:
A song I really love:
A hobby I get excited about:
Something I have organised myself:
Someone I have helped recently:
Something I have done to beautify our house:
A time when I encouraged someone:
Something in my school work I do really well:
A success I have had in the last year:
People tell me they like this about me:
A difficult situation I handled well:
Something new I tried this year:
I am a good friend because:

I hope you have fun with this exercise Class 4 and that you do some fun untangling. You could always ask someone else to help you find the answers, but the beauty of it that you actually have all the answers already inside yourself. 

πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’žArohanui πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž


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