People Who Made A Difference


Kia ora half of Class 6, we miss you! Hope you are okay in your isolation. This blog is aiming to keep you up to date, we are still a class doing this Class 6 journey together, even if we are physically spread out. 

I hope you have completed your Graphic Novel on the Trojan War by now. If you are stuck, contact me by email or ask a friend. Unfinished Graphic Novels are simply NOT FUN, so make sure yours is all there.

Today we started a new Main Lesson, it is called: People Who Made A Difference. It's a little bit like the Heroes Main Lesson in Class 3, which was a lot of fun.

Start by making a Title Page:

Next, read the story about Sir Ian Taylor.:

You might want to have a look at Land of Voyagers, it's pretty cool!

Next, IN YOUR OWN WORDS write a short Biography of Ian Taylor. Write what is interesting about him, what is different and most importantly: what difference did he make for other people? Because that's the main theme of the Main Lesson. I am not looking for a novel, one page in your ML book is plenty.

You could start your page with a whakatauki, in Class we did

What did you learn about Ian Taylor that you didn't know about? I learnt why David's new work building is called The Ian Taylor Centre- can you work out why?

Have fun with your pages and make it GLORIOUS (after all, you have plenty of time being isolated)

Also remember to do your spelling, your dragon maths and keep up with your Reading Journal- this is your chance to get heaps done! Can't wait to read your letters when you are back at school.

If you need anything, books, stationary etc just call out- lots of your classmates enjoy being posties.

See you tomorrow in the e-circle!


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