Kupe's and Cook's Law

 Kia ora katoa,

Today we will be looking at another amazing person who made a difference. I'm not sure if you have realised this- the class only just figured out that the people we are talking about are all New Zealanders! Our next person is Joe Williams, and boy did he make a difference. 

Here's today's story. I didn't make a reference before: I get all the stories from a beautiful brand new libary book called Kia Kaha.

Check this out if you like, it's a bit long but super interesting:


The way Harry, who studies Law, explained it to me:

Kupe's Law is based on Tikanga, the understanding of what is right and wrong. Cook's LAw is the 'Common law' the rules in our country. Cook's law is a strictly legal system, Kupe's Law is also legal, but also looks at social rules, which is how MAori organised their law and order before Cook arrived. Sir Joe Williams helped our country enourmously in the last 20 years by meging both laws. Tha's really fascinating and life changing stuff.

If you find it hard to write the story in your own words, try this:

Divide your page into four parts with an invisible line, just like on the board.
  •  In the first quarter, write the whakatauki in your best handwriting. 
  • In the first paragraphs, describe the person's childhood. Remember it is not a shopping list: tell about the parts that were interesting. What did inspire this young person?
  • In the third quarter, write about the person's adult life. Again, remember to keep it juicy.
  • And finally, write a paragraph about what the person did to make a difference for others.
You could make a planning sheet with key words from the story, like we did in class on the board. We got some amazing writing done in class- hope yours is fun too.

The other parts of the day is
  • spelling Day 3
  • Dragon Maths Goal: Page 31
  • we are doing another round of synonyms to see which group will win (Granola Bars are in the lead) with the words fun, like and.....boring
  • there's Cantabile, sing your heart out with your favourite songs
  • Sports. We will be doing T-Ball. You do whatever you like and what works in your backyard. Trampoline, shooting hoops, yoga, push ups or tennis against a wall.
  • And of course.... READ READ READ READ READ. Keep up your Reading Journal.
Have a good day, see you tommorrow!


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