And the Oscar goes to.....

 Morena Home Learners, 

Today we are looking at another amazing person and it is very likely you have heard of him:

Taika Waititi

This is all taken from the book Kia Kaha by Stacey Morrison and Jeremy Sherlock- it's quite a treasure chest!

Write in your own words Taiki's story. Start with the whakatauki, use the first paragraph describing his childhood, the second with his achievements as an adults and your final paragraph should describe Taiki's gift to others. Make a colourful illustration to go with your story.

Our Dragon Maths Target this week is page 35. We have already 5 people in class who have reached the Term 1 Goal of Page 45, which is really awesome.! Remember, every day a little bit goes much further than once a week 12 hours. And uuuuhhhmmm... you can't tell me you 'didn't have time'.

We are also practicing our Times Tables a lot, with our prime numbers and factor trees going strong in class, that seemed like a great moment to put some revision in. Remeber you can practice them online, do a Times Tables Challenge or chant them. I know it's a drill and not the most exciting part of learning, but hey, once you know the by heart, life becomes SO much easier!

Start your next two SPELLING pages:

I: carry, happy etc

T: labour, harbour (I know- it's the American spelling, you can spell them either way, but you need to be consistent)

M: sixth, seventh etc.

It's Gardening Day today at school, what can you do in your own garden? Is it sweeping some paths, harvesting the fruit which has fallen down, pulling a few weeds? GArdens which receive some love are just SUCH great places to spend some time in, plus you get delicious fresh air as a bonus. Enjoy some time outside with your whanau today and make your garden look better.

And we have handwork- how are these socks coming along? Here are mine, the ones I told you about yesterday:

My friend's birthday is the 22 April- do you think I'm going to make it?


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