Ninja Star

 Kia ora  Class 6 home learners,

Hope you have a compass at hand, because today we are going to make some Glorious Circles which turn into a sort of ninja star..

I am not going to explain too much about this, you all know the basics:

  1. Draw a circle
  2. Divide circle in half
  3. From the diameter which divided the line, draw a perpendicular line using your compass
  4. Using the 4 points where your perpendicular lines meet the circle, 'walk' your compass around with the same radius as your original circle and divide your circle in 12 even parts
  5. Draw the circles with this radius from each of the 12 points
Now, the real fun begins. Colour it into this shape:

In our Main Lesson we got into a bit of a class discussion, so we didn't finish Georgina Beyer's story. We will complete ours today, if you already have completed it, great work and take a break for today. Make sure you do a colourful picture though, nothing wrong with b/w, but if you are talking about such a colourful life as Georgina Beyer, we need to see rainbows and bursts of colour.

Did you had a look at the factor trees yesterday? We had a forest of trees here in class, some stumpy and some unevenly branched, but all interesting. Here is some practice for you:

Finally, we had a very competitive game which group could find the most synonyms for 'said. Look how many we came up with!

As you can see, the Granola Bars are in the lead with 47 points. To be continued on Thursday.
Try some synonyms yourself for the words walk, look and eat.It's amazing how many you can come up with. MAybe do a competition with your parents/ siblings any one else who is at home?

We did spelling too of course and the Dragon Nest is getting a bit empty- my eggies are either in isolation or they past the Goal of page 31. Aim to get past that 31 page yourself okay, and if you have any questions, email me!

Have a great day, 'see' you tomorrow.


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