What are you reading?

Kia ora Class 4,

Lots of you checked into this blog, I just about lit a candle to make me feel as if I was in our real circle, seeing you all. How did you go with the exercise activity yesterday? Tama joined me in doing yoga with me (from a safe distance, because I am still not allowed to hug anyone at home) which created a lot of laughter. Today he said I am skipping yoga, a bike ride with David is so much easier than all these bendy bits. He didn't realise that David enjoys doing lots and lots of hills, so I think he might be back in my yoga class tomorrow.

Lots of you said how you enjoyed the videos I posted. Here's today's Inspiration To Stay Sane In Your Family:


Hope this link works, let me know. Love the squabbling at the beginning too.

Today's task has to do with your reading during this isolation period. I heard from Lesley that you could take as many books home from the library as you liked, so I bet you are all reading more than usual. It's fun to keep track of what you read. Here's my reading log from a few years back.

(I know it's upside down, but it was quite an achievement to get it here in the first place) I really enjoyed looking back on what I had been reading, lots of books I had forgotten about.

You might give yourself a lot more space than I did, I am going to spread my new Reading Log over two pages in my journal. And I'll make a nice border around it with Autumn Leaves, but that's up to your own taste of course.

You will need 5 columns for your Reading Log:

  1. The number of the book that you have been reading
  2. Title of the book
  3. Author
  4. Date you finished it
  5. Your star rating. If you draw 5 stars in this column, you totally loved the book and will definitely read it again or recommend it to everyone. If it is one star, well, you managed to finish it but you will never touch it again and absolutely not recommend it to anyone. Anything in the middle is, it was okay, not the best , but someone who enjoys.... might like it. Up to you how many stars the book deserved.
We are now nearing the first week mark of isolation, so I think it is totally fair if you start with the book you were reading last Tuesday and anything since.

Any non- fiction books you have used this week count as well!

You might want to do the same with movies you are watching. Tama and Mackenzie are doing a re-run of all their favourite childhood movies, Tintin being the favourite by far.

Finally, for the many writers amongst you: there is a fun writing competition online for children 13 years and under. Famous authors start the story and you get to finish it, preferably in under 500 words. When else do you get the opportunity to work with famous authors? You can find it on https://fabostory.wordpress.com/about-fabo/

Hope you are all well and enjoying this fabulous autumn weather,


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