Finding New Friends in Your Garden

Kia ora Class 4,

what a glorious autumn weather. It is so good to be outside during this lockdown. My garden loves having us home, if I'm honest, our garden is a bit of a neglected jungle. I don't give it that much thoughts normally. But in the last week I have spend so many hours in there, I feel as if we are reconnecting and I'm making new friends.

For the first time since we live here (10 years) the paths are swept, I've cut back all overhanging branches so we actually walk over the paths and I manage to get to the fruit before the birds and the wasps do. Tama and I cut down an overgrown scrub which gives so much more light to the space. Normally, we would have taken all these branches to the tip, but because the tip is closed and we have enough time on our hands anyway, we stacked all the branches so they can dry out for next year's kindling. So satisfying!

We found neglected plants underneath the wild scrub and I think they will be able to start growing now they have some space and light. I watched a YouTube video on how to make cuttings and put that into action, I hope I'll have lots of new plants next spring.And of course, we harvested lots of delicious fruit.

I am so grateful for my garden, it is small, I haven't done anything special to my fruit trees and the garden gives me so much back, food, a place to relax and enjoy the fresh air and sunlight and the feeling of getting something done. Next year, when I light the fire with the kindling of those branches, I'll be looking back at this time of isolation.

I hope you are enjoying your garden or any outside space at your home too. Your task for today is to 'make a new friend': walk around and find your favourite tree/ bush/ shrub or vegetable. Pick some leaves or flowers and press them between news papers and some heavy books. Leave some space for your pressed leaves or flowers in your journal, while in the meanwhile you write about why you like this tree or bush so much.

I found it really hard to chose which one was my favourite, I like so many of them. In the end I settled for our apple tree. Not only because I love apples and apple pie, but also because our tree is a really beautiful shape. It changes all the time, from gorgeous flowers in spring, then tiny apples start to form, there are nice fresh leaves and in summer,  I read my book in the shade of this tree. In Autumn, the red apples in the green leaves are like a picture out of a PollyAnna book and after that, the leaves are turning to stunning colours. In winter, I hang my bird feeder on the bare branches and I enjoy the birds visiting.

Have fun finding your new friend,


  1. We love your story Angela! PS: My Grandmother used to have a bowl exactly like your beautiful one holding the feijoas! How special!! Love, Laura.

  2. hi Angela, Eilidh here, missing all of you. I hope you are all having a great Easter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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