Welcome to our Class 4 circle New Normal Way! I really miss you all in this time of isolation and this blog is giving an opportunity for those who wish to stay in contact with each other. It is totally optional, I will not be taking the roll and you do not have to go to the office to sign in or out, how easy is that?
Creating a blog is entirely new for me, so bear with me while I develop this. I believe if you can leave comments somewhere, would love it if you do, but please keep them PG and THINK before you speak: is it the truth, is it interesting, is it necessary. I will update the blog daily with tasks for your journal, inspirations, great links and anything else which might help us in this crazy time of being in our own bubbles. Tasks are of course completely optional and I try to keep them broad, so you can add your own ideas.

Today's task: 
What are you doing in your family to keep fit? Are you creating obstacle courses like we did in Class 1, are you putting on music and dance around the living room, do you have a family Baby Shark Moment every day or do you go for walks? I am doing mostly yoga in the moment, I am hoping to be twice as flexible after four weeks of isolation!
Draw your way of exercising and in the writing part, describe what is happening. You can make it as juicy and interesting as you like, add an anecdote (a funny little example) of what is happening in your home on the fitness front.

Love hearing from you, you can contact me on my school email address.



  1. I go for a walk every day with my husband and our dog. At least, the dog goes for a walk and we get dragged behind him. He loves stormy weather as it makes everything smell interesting, so he was twice as excited today.

  2. great idea Angela love it love from Nela XOX0

  3. Hi Angela, Every day my sister and I go for a bike ride or scooter around our 'track' of the neighbourhood with Daddy. There are lots of fun slopes to go down and Ophelia likes to be in charge of the race. Lots of love, Xanthe
    PS: Can't wait to see your beautiful face!

  4. Love reading your responses- tried to reply to all, but somehow the reply button doesn't function. So happy to have you hear though. Class Seven Teacher, your walks sound like great fun, keep it up! HAmmer Whanau, welcome aboard. Xanthe, your bike/ scooter rides sound like a lot of fun, I can just about see you two zooming down the hill. Missing you too xxx

  5. Hi Angela 😊
    We go for walks, play soccer and jump on the trampoline. I also do my circus training on our hammock.
    Miss you heaps
    Leah xx

    1. Circus training in a hammock sounds like a lot of fun, what a way to keep fit! Miss you too Leah xxx

  6. Hi Angela, Eilidh here, just started today and we will try to catch up.
    I have done some gym, and walking around the neighbourhood to count the bears.
    But also lots of jumping on the trampoline.
    I twisted my foot while jumping to pick some seeds off a tree overhead.
    Hopefully it feels better soon.
    Thanks for doing this, Angela.
    Love from Eilidh.

    1. Hi Eildih, glad you are here. Hope your foot gets better soon, love Angela xxx


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