
Showing posts from March, 2020

Day 3 Formdrawing for Fun

Hi y'all, hope you are all doing well on this third day. Today it is time for some form drawing. I have been doing a lot of form drawing lately, it's great for just chilling and relaxing and your journal will look delicious with it. I had to have a few tries first- as you know, form drawing is a lot about harmony and crikey, I noticed how I'm not completely harmonious in the moment. So start with a light yellow and once you are happy with the lay- out and the proportions, add any colour of you choice. It is really helpful to first space your dots as you see in the photo. For the writing part, describe the rhythm you and your family have developed over the last days. You can use bullet points if you wish, or make it into story telling. Happy drawing!

Day 2: Make This Bed With Awe

This post was previously send out by email. For those of you who joined in later and for the sake of keeping it all together, I have copied it here. Hello my beautiful Class 4, hope you are all well and made a start on your journals, I am so looking forward seeing them! Here's your next task.  My bed is one of the most important part in my house, it is where I can relax and calm down. Making your bed is a bit of an art, so that will be the focus of today's task. I hope you enjoy it and keep making that bed every day. Step 1: Make your bed as beautiful as possible Step 2: Draw your bed, what's on it and around it (I have taken a shortcut with a photo-  you have plenty of time for a quality drawing) Step 3: Label the items which make your bed special. I have made an example for you in the picture of my bed. Obviously, yours will look very different because you are a lot younger than I am. For the writing part, describe your bed. Lots of room

Finding New Friends in Your Garden

Kia ora Class 4, what a glorious autumn weather. It is so good to be outside during this lockdown. My garden loves having us home, if I'm honest, our garden is a bit of a neglected jungle. I don't give it that much thoughts normally. But in the last week I have spend so many hours in there, I feel as if we are reconnecting and I'm making new friends. For the first time since we live here (10 years) the paths are swept, I've cut back all overhanging branches so we actually walk over the paths and I manage to get to the fruit before the birds and the wasps do. Tama and I cut down an overgrown scrub which gives so much more light to the space. Normally, we would have taken all these branches to the tip, but because the tip is closed and we have enough time on our hands anyway, we stacked all the branches so they can dry out for next year's kindling. So satisfying! We found neglected plants underneath the wild scrub and I think they will be able to start growi

Starting Your Journal

Most of you will already have read this previously in an email. Other people joined us later and I have copied the initial instructions here, so it is all together in one format. Find a notebook/ sketch book/ journal to collect all work in over this period.  I'll send a task out every day. Complete the task to your highest standard. Any artistic additions of your choice are encouraged. when we are back together, I will organise a sharing/ exhibition space, so our work is meaningful and valued.  The book will also be a great record for the isolation period, think how you would feel if you could read your Grandpa's diary from the war today. There will be two components: the first is an artistic activity which is very broad and easy accessible. The second one is a writing component. Many children will love this, others are very reluctant writers. If your child is a reluctant writer, they could tell you their ideas and you could write it down. Or maybe they can do one sent