
Showing posts from September, 2021

See Ya Later Alligator

YASSSS! Two more sleeps and we are a big step back to 'Normal'. Normal isn't always sounding great, normal can bring up the sense of a bit uninteresting and unadventurous. Dreary even. But as we have just again experienced, 'normal' is also rhythm, predictability, security. I look at normality as a strong framework, a container which makes you feel strong and safe. And the stronger and safer you feel in life, the more adventurous you can bounce into it. It's like having strong springs on your trampoline: because you know you will land well, you dare to bounce extra high, with a summer sault into the mix. So bring it on, this normal! Let's get ready! I'm not going to give you new ideas today, just finish what you started: your book, the Egyptian project, the tiny house. Give it the last finishing touch and have it ready for Thursday morning. If you like, you can read 'Get Ready for Real' again.  Can't wait to read all your writing! I was super

Let's Wrap It Up

Hands up if you think we will be back in Class on Wednesday? My hand is certainly up there. And even it is not this Wednesday, it can't be too far in the future. So-  time to wrap up your writing. Ending your writing is often hard-and a really important part. Without an ending, the story is just filling space. That's why I only allow one sudden death or waking up and discovering it was all a dream per year. How do you feel when you've just been on this exhilarating journey with your character and then BAM, they die. Or wake up. Epic let down huh? Did you read the Series of Unfortunate Events? I read all thirteen books and I LOVED them. I'm still not over the ending, and it's ten years ago that I finished the series. Like I said, epic letdown. You broke my heart, Lemony Snicket. What was your story about? Where was your character in the beginning, how did they feel? What have they overcome, what have they learned, what has changed in their lives? It doesn't have

Jumble Sale

Kia ora Class 5, today's blog is going to be a bit of a jumble with bits and pieces and no particular theme. Firstly, look who brightened up my inbox with egg-sellent news Baxter's chickens knew it was spring and laid their first eggs! Secondly, here are the answers to yesterday's quizz: 1.  that 2.  that 3. which  4. which  5. which  6.which  7. which  8. that 9. which  10. that Thirdly, I have had questions on if it is alright to write a comic and I answered that in the comments, but you might not have seen that. So I thought today I give a bit of an insight into comic book writing with the help of a famous friend (well, I wish).  Full disclosure: I am absolutely no expert on writing comics. Partly because I prefer story writing and partly because the few times I have tried to do a comic, I found it far too much work. And editing is so much harder IMHO. But I do get that comics and graphic novels are loads of fun and I enjoy reading them. Some of them are such works of ar

Which Witch is That?

 Morena Class 5, hope you are all doing well in your bubbles. Today we are going to talk about That Which. And before you get excited, it's not about the witch on a broom. It's going to be quite a technical chat. For those of you that mix these up, the 't' in witch reminds you of a broom. Please please please tell me you know the difference between witch and which and you NEVER mix them up again! One of us send me their draft (thank you and keep them coming- I love reading your draft and I will send you feedback via email) and asked me when to use WHICH and when to use THAT. A fabulous question, and many people confuse them (including yours truly), so let's delve into this for a bit. Example: Merlin showed the vet his paw that was hurt and needed stitches. Merlin showed the vet his paw which was hurt and needed stitches. Which one is correct: that or which- and more importantly, how do we know? The answer is found if we ask ourselves the question: to understand the